Product design studio, audience development for news publishers - Solid Air Studio

Solid Air Studio.

Product Growth & Audience Engagement, Made Easy.

We are a group of Growth Product Managers who have delivered millions of dollars of organic user growth for some of the biggest newsrooms, nonprofits, and tech products in the world.

What we do.

We drive organic digital audience growth and monetisation for your brand.We do this by acting as an extension to your Audience Development team, Product team, or Editorial team, implementing cutting edge tactics, strategies, and tools to supercharge growth of your readership.


Barron's - Growth Product Audience Development SEO Technical SEO Editorial SEO Growth Marketing

The Conversation The - Growth Product Audience Development SEO Technical SEO Editorial SEO Growth Marketing History Channel - Growth Product Audience Development SEO Technical SEO Editorial SEO Growth Marketing

MarktetWatch - Growth Product Audience Development SEO Technical SEO Editorial SEO Growth Marketing

Movember - Growth Product Audience Development SEO Technical SEO Editorial SEO Growth Marketing

National Geographic - Growth Product Audience Development SEO Technical SEO Editorial SEO Growth Marketing

Product design studio, audience development for news publishers - Solid Air Studio

The Wall Street Journal - Growth Product Audience Development SEO Technical SEO Editorial SEO Growth Marketing

WeTransfer - Growth Product Audience Development SEO Technical SEO Editorial SEO Growth Marketing

Our philosophy.

People-led. Process-driven. Data-informed. Action-oriented.

Our speciality.

We specialise in building foundational growth marketing strategies, technologies, and teams that empower content-driven businesses to grow.


Product design studio, audience development for news publishers - Solid Air Studio

Solid Air Studio.

Audience Development & Growth, Made Easy.

18-month Growth Package.

We've designed an 18-month program to drive valuable user growth for your newsroom.

What's included?

Month 0-3: Interpretation

+ We interpret the health of your audience through our expert lens+ We analyse your audience, your tech setup, your social strategy, your operations+ We identify key optimisation opportunities that can truly help drive your OKRs or KPIs

Months 3-6: Experimentation

+ We design experiments to make sure we validate our expertise to match your unique audience, news product, and commercial objectives

6-9: Implementation

+ The best strategies are those that are executed with perfection in mind+ We help you roll-out our experiments to more of your audience, or to influence more of your strategic projects in adjacent areas of the newsroom in order to create momentum for audience growth

9-12: Operations

+ We help you strengthen your team, optimise the smart mind's within your teams+ We streamline your processes in order to deliver more efficient Cost Per Interaction (the total cost for your organisation to create a single user interaction on any digital product)

Months 12-15: Education

+ We deliver specialised training programs for your newsroom, product teams, or audience teams in order to allow our growth expertise to proliferate and thrive within your organisation

15-18 Months: Iteration

+ We design a bespoke 2-year roadmap of key growth deliverables, including recommended OKRs, areas for investment, and operational improvements to be made in order to create sustained audience growth


Product design studio, audience development for news publishers - Solid Air Studio

Solid Air Studio.

Audience Development & Growth, Made Easy.


As well as our 18-month Growth Pack Plan, we also over customer consulting plans and sessions.Let us know what you're looking for, and we'll get back to you with a bespoke proposal based on your needs.

We're waiting to hear from you

Let us know what you're looking for and we'll be in touch for an exploratory intro call.

18-month Growth Package.

We've designed an 18-month program to drive valuable user growth for your newsroom.